The SafeSurfing project benefits from the vast experience of its partners in supporting people with intellectual disabilities, and advocating for their rights at European level.
Inclusion Europe is an association of people with intellectual disabilities and their families across Europe. Started in 1988, the organisation fights for equal rights for people with intellectual disabilities and their families across all walks of life. Inclusion Europe has a large network of members throughout Europe from local to national level. |
Mencap is the voice of learning disability in the United Kingdom. Mencap supports people with a learning disability, their families and carers. Mencap works to improve services, challenge prejudice and directly support thousands of people to live their lives as they choose. |
ANFFAS is the National Association of Families of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Italy. Providing services for people with intellectual disabilities for more than 50 years, ANFFAS comprises:
- 168 local associations,
- 16 regional bodies
- 45 autonomous bodies.
Plena Inclusión is the Spanish Confederation of Organisations for People with Intellectual Disabilities. Founded in 1964, Plena Inclusión currently represents more than 140.000 people with intellectual disabilities, working to improve their quality of life and make sure the are included in society. |
PSOUU, the Polish Association for People with Intellectual Disability is a national organisation established in 1991. The mission of the association is:
- to protect human dignity, a place in the family and society and the quality of life of people with intellectual disability
- to lead them to active participation in social life
- to support them to become accepted and independent in their daily lives.